
Our passion is to tell stories and help you tell yours.

We achieve this through our own creative projects, community development, productions and events, and we can help you with yours. We can produce large scale national productions, as well as guide your community through storytelling projects of the past, present and possible futures. We’re also here to offer advice, mentoring and training. We’ve worked with organisations from the National Theatre of Scotland to Scottish Communities Climate Action Network and have gathered together a few examples of the work we’ve undertaken below.

Project Management

We are experienced in producing creative projects. Our track records includes complex community and heritage focused projects. The skills we bring to this work include building teams, contracting, managing cash flow, safeguarding and child protection, health and safety, and diversity and inclusion. We pride ourselves on delivering on time and to budget.

Aberdeen Music Hall

From March 2016 to December 2018, Aberdeen’s historic Music Hall underwent a £9m capital redevelopment.

Attached to the building’s closure and subsequent re-opening was a large programme of work that combined multiple performances, community projects, a complex Associate Artist programme working with both established and emerging talent, site specific performances, a heritage interpretation programme and numerous new artistic commissions. 

Stellar Quines Theatre Company

Delivering an ambitious programme of digital transformation for Stellar Quines theatre company including company infrastructure, creative output, audience engagement and sector reputation.  


Our track record includes sourcing financing and funding for one off projects, knowledge exchange, innovation and organisational development. We can do this for a single project or work with you to create a wider development plan of action and intent. We bring short, medium and long term perspectives to each organisation, strategy and project we work with, ensuring the detail of the here and now is covered while the impacts of legacy considered. 

Stellar Quines Theatre Company

Raising the finance to cover Stellar Quines theatre company’s  programme of touring productions and operational costs, as well as additional funds for one off projects.

This included securing regular funding from Creative Scotland, project funding from Trusts and Foundations and lottery funds. As well as Business Innovation funding.  

Aberdeen Performing’s Arts

Securing project funding to expand Aberdeen Performing’s Arts creative output and community engagement. This included local authority creative funding. 

Community Engagement 

Community means all kinds of things from the places we call home to the academic, scientific and specialist communities. Our track record includes complex, award-winning community engagement projects and cultural performance.   

Your Hall Your Story

Your Hall Your Story, an in depth community engagement project and performance which gathered, celebrated and gave voice to some of the many personal stories and memories attached to Aberdeen’s iconic Music Hall. All of which also contributed to the building’s new story driven heritage interpretation programme. 

Knit Two Together

Knit Two Together (K2TOG) was a Heritage Lottery funded, All Our Stories project aimed at championing the female stories and histories intertwined in the Scottish Borders’ textiles industries as well as celebrating all things knitting. 

Live Performance

Live performance is a powerful storytelling medium, enabling collective experiences where we share our stories, and listen to, and see ourselves, in the stories of others. We produce professional and community theatre, dance and other live work in both traditional venues and site-specific locations.

Touring Productions

Multiple touring productions for Stellar Quines theatre company. This included international co-productions, Edinburgh Festival Fringe shows and Scottish tours.  

National Theatre of Scotland

We’ve worked with the National Theatre of Scotland on a number of productions, including the award-winning Medea for the 2022 Edinburgh International Festival, taking Thank You Very Much on a European tour and managing the community production of Tin Forest, in Glasgow’s East End.

Festival Management 

We love festivals – live and online – and know how to deliver citywide events across multiple venues, public spaces and online platforms, as well as intimate, festival experiences. We’re big on place making and cover all bases from artistic vision to impact assessment.

Granite Noir

Granite Noir is Aberdeen’s crime writing festival. Producing this festival for three years, building it from scratch and establishing it as one of the UK’s foremost crime fiction and literature festivals. Granite Noir commissions new work as well as programmes author led and other events, exhibitions and noir related theatre. This work included producing Granite Noir TV, a live stream and digital recording of festival events. The festival is a partnership between a number of cultural and heritage organisations in Aberdeen.

Talent Development 

Nurturing and supporting up and coming talent is important to us. We work in formal and informal education settings where we teach, lead workshops and share skills, experience and knowledge. Mentoring, continuous professional development and training opportunities are all things we can offer. 


Running our own How to be a Producer workshop. 

Untaught to Shine

Untaught to Shine a project which placed emerging women theatre practitioners into the collections of the Scottish National Portrait Gallery. Each created new work inspired by the women’s stories in the collections and all performed site-specific in the Gallery.


Working with Aberdeen Art Gallery to facilitate their programme of micro-commissions. 

Producers Project

Producer mentoring for Creative Scotland’s Producers Project and with students of the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland’s MA in Classical and Contemporary Text. 

Research and Report Writing 

All companies and organisations sometimes need to take time to think, research, consider, consult and plan. We can help you undertake all of these and prepare written or online reporting, recommendations and outcomes.

Climate Ready Clyde – The Value of Partnership.

The report forms part of the Connected Clusters project, providing Sustainable Scotland Network members and partners valuable insight into Climate Innovation Clusters in the U.K.
