Open Road

What we do

The reason for evil in the world is that people are not able to tell their stories.

Carl Jung 

We tell stories about people and place.  

We are a creative organisation based in North East Scotland using storytelling, arts, culture, heritage and the natural landscape to contribute towards community development, health and wellbeing and care of the environment. 

How we can help

Our passion is to tell stories and help you tell yours.

Our team includes writers, journalists, filmmakers, artists and producers. Our track record includes producing complex award-winning community and heritage focused projects, professional theatre and literature festivals in both traditional venues and site-specific locations. We’ve delivered citywide events across multiple venues, public spaces and online platforms, as well as intimate, festival experiences.

Talk to us

We’d love to find out more the work you do, projects you’d like to make happen, workshops you’d like delivered and stories you’d like to be told.

To start a conversation please contact us.

We were here and this is what we saw ™

We were here and this is what we saw is a series of moments in time recording where we were and what we experienced. Some moments are historical, others personal, some both. Sometimes they are articles, sometimes photo essays, sometimes films. If you have a ‘we were here and this is what we saw’ you’d like to submit then get in touch.
